Sunday, December 9, 2018

Unit 3 - Hobo Hope Playtest Analysis

Group 8

Hobo's Hope

Summary: Play as a group of homeless people to survive winter while living in a broken down shelter. You have to band together to collect enough resources to upgrade your shelter. The target audience is those who like co-op games over competitive ones. 

Problem #1
Playtesters forget to roll the 12-sided dice when they move to locations. The rules require players to roll a 12-sided dice before they move to the location they want to go to. 

Solution: Players need a reminder to roll the D12, something other than the rule sheet. 

Development: Our group thought up of Character Cards that have actions on the sheet. This way the players will have a direct instruction that would remind them to roll the die. 

Playtesters use the incorrect amount of resources to make another resource. An example is that they used 1 mystery herb to make medicine instead of 2 as required on the rule sheet and the resource card. 

Solution: Stronger examples would be needed. Also, more clarity would be important. 

Development: We'll add a stronger emphasis on the resource cards and the rule sheet. 

Set up
Morale didn't have much impact. It was a forgettable feature. The playtesters wished it played more of a factor in gameplay. 

Solution: Try to make the morale bar more of a feature. 

Development: We'll make the environmental conflicts are stronger and more effective. Or even add other features that increase or decrease the morale bar.  

Debt having not big enough of an effect. It would make more sense if a debt factor would disadvantage the player if they go negative on the money.

Solution:  Players going negative in money will go into debt. This will let debt have a stronger effect. The negative money will be canceled once the player earns more money than the negative amount they have. 

Development: Instead of losing a turn, players will simply go into debt, forcing other players to help or that player to work out of debt. Debt goes away by earning money.