Monday, April 22, 2019

3D Level Feedback

3D Level 1 Feedback
What went right?
The level of difficulty for the map was appropriate for an intro level. The players/playtesters thought that the length was good and that its critical path was obvious (expected of a tutorial map). The map worked as it was supposed to save for some aspects that were supposed to end the level and some transitions that didn't seem to work. That could be touched on more in another section. 

What went wrong?
The things that went wrong with the level did not interfere with the level itself. Or rather the main aspects of the game. One of the things that didn't work was the enemies introduced at the end that spit acid, however, the acid didn't appear/spawn at times (most of the time). I didn't find a solid fix for it when trying to look through forums online. Another aspect that didn't work was the transition that happens when you finished the level. Upon crossing the door, the player was supposed to teleport to the "level finished" scene. However, it didn't work and I also haven't found a solid fix for it either. 

Were the challenges presented appropriately to the skill level of the player?
For a tutorial level, the challenges were fairly easy. The level itself was supposed to teach the player more of the mechanical skills such as jumping, platforming, and basic combat. The level started off with easy platforming, jumping onto moving platforms and onto other parts of the level. There were boxes that introduced the player to combat before sending out the real enemies. The enemies for this level were fairly easy. Their detection radius was shortened as well as their "hp".  

Was the critical path obvious?
The critical path was pretty obvious, the map itself is linear as the player crossed and platformed through "open-air". The players know where they were going since there aren't any walls or solid corners. 

How would you improve?
The improvements I could make are switching aspects that don't work to other options. Such as the enemies, I could just switch the spitters to the chompers since the chompers would be more likely to do damage to the player. As for the transition aspect, which did not affect any gameplay or the flow as it supposes to appear at the end. I could have problem-solved harder. 

How was the overall flow?
Overall the flow was solid. For an intro level, it hit the requirements and did present an appropriate challenge to the player.

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