Monday, November 4, 2019

Modeling a Living Room Part 5

CAGD230: Living Room

Week 5 Final

Final Report: Now that week 5 is finally here, it's time to finish up this project. I've come to understand the artist's struggle with preferring the rough draft over the final one. I definitely think the scene looks better in the Maya editor than in render. To think the most time-consuming part of it all is the rendering. Not only does it heat up my laptop, but it takes roughly 10 minutes just to render each image. It's annoying because I see a lot of weird bugs in the final images. And trying to fix them takes forever. Yet I still have trouble with it. Searching online for answers is difficult as well because I'm not sure what to search and most of the time the solutions do not work. 

Total Approx. Hours Spent: 28 Hours (4-6 hrs a week) 

Problems encountered:
  • Grainy Ambient Occlusion or Beauty Layer
    • Attempts at a solution: 
      • Increasing Render Sampling: takes too long to render and sometimes makes the image worse. 
      • Mixing up settings in Lights: no difference or makes image worse 
      • Masking the AO in Photoshop: somewhat works but the image is still a bit grainy 
  • TV looks strange at different angles
    • Attempts at a solution: 
      • Changing Mesh Light settings: makes the TV look worse 
      • Changing TV screen Texture: not much difference
      • Using different angles: somewhat works
Moving Forward: It seems that the parts I have the most difficulties with are the Lights and Rendering. Taking this in mind, I will definitely take more time working with these areas. I should also ask for help outside of the internet as it's difficult to find the appropriate type of help online. It might also be best to try and render my images on school computers to see if it's faster because rendering on my own device takes too long.  

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