Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Modeling a Grocery Shelf

CAGD230: Grocery

Assignment Details: This modeling assignment was similar to dinner prep as we needed to texture jars and boxes. The modeling tools were similar too. In this scene, however, there's a lot of duplication and grouping. I started by modeling the shelf. It wasn't too complicated, I just needed to model one board of each side and duplicated it to make the other side and the shelves. The UV and texturing was a cakewalk as well as the shape of the shelf are rectangular and the texture only needed to be a pattern. The next things I modeled were the boxes as they were fairly easy as well, just cubes that were scaled on the XYZ axis. The texture was a bit harder as the faces had different labels. I also had to keep track of which face was the front and which was the sides so the box could look like a real product. I modeled the jars next, the jam one was long and thin while the honey ones were short and more wide. I modeled them similar to each other, the same UV-ing and label faces steps I took for the pasta sauce back in dinner prep. It gets easy if you become used to it. That's why the juice bottles were modeled fairly fast. It's the same as the jars, only it's one brand so I duplicated them and then used different textures for each group. Then I just duplicated each item with duplicate special for mass duplication and then grouped them for organization sake. I reused the backdrop and lights from the dinner prep scene but I did fiddle with the light intensity and where it was aimed at.

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