Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Modeling a Living Room Part 3

CAGD230: Living Room

Week 3 Progress

Progress Report: This week's objective is UV-ing and texturizing. So far, I would say I'm about 45-50% done with the UVs and textures. Luckily not everything needs a certain texture. For example, the cabinets and TV tables are okay with the basic aistandardsurface. Of course, I'll change the preset and mess with the attributes a bit. The overall look I'm going for is more of a shiny metallic surface. 

chrome cabinets
While the UV-ing and texturing itself aren't hard, it does take some time to do. The game disc boxes are a prime example. It's tedious enough trying to make the borders align, but it's time-consuming doing it for each box. The end quality is worth it, I'd give myself a small pat on the shoulder for taking my time with them. It was fun picking out the titles and covers too. (Not all of them are real titles or games.) I also noticed I should have an object for the disc boxes to lean on or it would feel unreal or strange to having them standing alone.  

Similarly, I had the same process with my art model. I always wanted to own an art piece called The Kiss by Gustav Klimt. While I don't have the money or space to have it on my own walls, what would stop me from having it in my own "fictional" living room? I took the time to expand the edges with the pattern tool and the patch tool in photoshop so the top, bottom, and side faces aren't empty or blank. In my opinion, it looks great.

I imported my couch and table from a previous assignment but I redid the UVs and texture so the model isn't exactly the same. I think I prefer the new textures too. Though the couch still seems a bit plastic. I'm hoping I can fix that in the attributes and some good lighting. But we'll have to see how it will turn out in the following weeks. 

There is just two more weeks left until this assignment is due. Honestly, I'm excited. It's been a while since I've finished (or come close to completing) such a project. And though, I never went into this major with modeling in mind nor had much experience with it, I can see that it's pretty fun and leaves you feeling accomplished when you're close to finishing a scene. Next week's goal is to finish UV-ing and texturing, then move on to lighting and finishing touches. 

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